About Us
United Cathay Display Company (UCHK) in Dongguan was founded in 2015, and directly invested by Hong Kong business “United Cathay Company (UCO).” The core business of UCO is to satisfy huge demand for passenger information displays used for metro transportation systems.  Due to the global rapid growth of rail construction, UCO’s stretched displays have been adopted by over 10 global metro and subway companies in Hong Kong, Australia, China, Singapore and countries in Europe up to 2019.

UCHK company focuses on the niche markets of bar-typed monitors, and makes efforts to develop high brightness, customized sizes, outdoors, and high reliability displays to fulfill all specific requirements which are really unique from general consumer grade monitors.  To meet the requirements of customized displays, we possess professional abilities and technologies including open cell cutting, LCD backlight design and assembly, EE and FW design, LCM assembly, touch screen integration, etc.  Accordingly, we have a huge success in OEM/ODM projects for open frame, LCM, and complete monitor manufacture and assembly.